I have viewed so many blog post but yours are different. I like to ask how you composed your articles for it really leaves an excellent impression on me. Just keep on posting interesting facts.
At 3am on one the last few weeks of 2009 I couldn’t sleep and walked downstairs to distract my mind from work, money, family and what my doctor had termed “inflammation” but what most people call “getting fat”. The main advantage to inflammation is that treatment is somewhat covered by healthcare while getting fat is merely a stigma. I started thinking about my father’s life work, his unpublished writings which were then and are still packed away in various boxes and a hard drive in the box room of our basement – waiting for me to organize and eventually get published. My mind wandered onto some of his more prolific statements, some created some stolen and one in particular, never trust a skinny chef, which made me smile. The thoughts and memories blended together; publishing my father’s works, my own rapidly aging 40-year old body, my passion for food, cooking and the irksome feeling of what was I going to do with my life that woke me at 3am in the first place. They culminated in the idea of writing a blog about my journey and struggle to emerge from bloated gluttony to a healthy and yet gastronomically satisfied existence.
I have viewed so many blog post but yours are different. I like to ask how you composed your articles for it really leaves an excellent impression on me. Just keep on posting interesting facts.